Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Inspiration for Marketing and Life

Driving to the mountains this morning and ranbling in to the camera

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Why do so many people fail online and in life?

Greetings Internet!

I’ve spoken on this before and I feel the need to expand on the subject more

People fail in life out of fear, self-doubt, and beliefs embedded in their hearts and 
minds long ago by other people who were / are 100% wrong! These people were 
usually Parents, Teachers, siblings or others of influence and authority in our lives –

Again, these people were / are 100% wrong about the negativity they instilled in 
us but, to their defense, I believe they just didn’t know any better and were operating 
under bad information embedded in them by others long before we showed up – 
Sadly, these people only knew how to continue the cycle, and not break it!

You and only you, can, and need to get rid of this bad information and you can 
because the answers / healing are things you already possess if you're bold 
enough to reach inside of yourself, and examine it for what it is, pure poison! 

Potential is a "vicious" cycle fueled by our beliefs - If we believe our potential is low, 
then our actions and results will reflect that accordingly, and when we fail or achieve 
minimal results, that goes to reinforce our original belief - Do you see how destructive 
our own thoughts can be to ourselves? It's no one else's "fault" but our own as we 
are the ones choosing to believe / disbelieve in ourselves and WE are the only ones 
that can correct and redirect this thinking - 

The way to bolster our believes / potential and results in any aspect of life is to get 
out of the old "comfort zone" and do things that challenge us more every single day .. 
it's a daily ritual - each day we do a little more, learn a little more, accomplish a little 
more until it becomes who and what we are and who we've always known we could be - 
Hang out with positive people / winners and it will rub off! Keep making excuses for 
failure / why you won't or can't achieve more and being around others that do the same,
and you've sealed your own fate - 

This is a self-fulling prophecy - You're not alone but will remain so if YOU don't take 
the little daily actions to push a little harder and further each day but, it all starts by 
forgiving the past, and returning that past to its rightful owner, Those who gave it to you! 

Anyone can do this my friends. Anyone can overcome the negativity of their pasts, 
and live the lives of freedom and joy they desire if they really want it!

The journey starts and ends inside yourself 

Fear is an illusion - Failure is a stepping stone to success - Learn from your trials, 
overcome them and use them as tools to build the whole new you! 

Just some thoughts ...

Until Next time, This is You Man in the Mountains Saying ...
Stay Focused
Stay Positive
Stay Motivated
And ....
NEVER Give up On Your Dreams!

-          Big Ed